MO :: Section 6, Chapter 6 (Support Groups for Resource Providers), subsection 1, – (Support Groups)

MO :: Section 6, Chapter 6 (Support Groups for Resource Providers), subsection 1, – (Support Groups)

  1. The Children’s Service Worker will inform the resource providers and applicants of local/statewide/national support groups by giving name and address of contact.
  2. Support, encourage, and participate in development and maintenance of support groups, by:
    1. Providing Foster Parents With Data, Information, And Guidelines On The Obligations, Responsibilities And Opportunities Of Foster Parenting;
    2. Informing Foster Parents Of Changes In Laws And Regulations Relevant To Foster Parenting, 210.537 RSMo.
  3. Allow leadership to evolve from within support group, rather than imposed externally.
  4. The teaching resource provider will develop support group if none exists, or supplement existing county activities.
  5. Evaluate efforts of development and maintenance.
  6. Record activities in county file.

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