Youth 15 years of age or older in foster care with the Children’s Division are to receive a visit to a state university, community or technical college, or an armed services recruiter before being adopted or terminated from foster care per section 453.350, RSMo enacted in 2013. The visit is to include an entry application process, financial support application and availability, career options with academic or technical training, a campus tour, and other information and experience desired by the youth. The visit is not required if waived by the youth’s Family Support or Treatment Team. The FST’s decision to waive this requirement shall be documented on the Adolescent FST Guide (CD94) under the Post-secondary Education and Vocational Training Preparation section in the “Other information still needed” box with the explanation and date. The Adolescent FST Guide (CD94) should be signed by all members in attendance. This visit will be considered part of normal case planning procedures for Children’s Division and Foster Care Case Management agencies. Visits should be incorporated in the area the youth resides. The case manager is responsible for ensuring that the visit occurs.
As this is considered part of life skill teaching, if deemed appropriate by the Family Support Team, which includes the youth, the Chafee Foster Care Program for Successful Transition to Adulthood provider or Transitional Living Program provider can assist as part of the contractual agreement in place with Children’s Division. The youth’s Individualized Action Plan Goals (CD94) must be updated to include a goal of post-secondary education and a task of a armed service recruiter or school visit, entry application process, financial support application and availability, career options with academic or technical training, and a campus tour. The Chafee and TLP provider will enter the life skill on the NYTD Older Youth Services and Financial Expenditure Screen in FACES and will report tasks on the Individual Life Skills Progress Form (CD95). If this service is not referred to the Chafee or TLP provider, the Children’s Service Worker is responsible in taking the youth through the process as part of case management services and the life skills received will need to be documented by the Children’s Service Worker on the NYTD Older Youth Services and Financial Expenditure Screen by selecting Children’s Division as the agency regardless of CD or Foster Care Case Management affiliation.
The Children’s Service Worker, whether providing the service directly to the youth or referring to the Chafee or TLP provider, shall document the visit to the University, college, technical school, or armed service recruiter and related information on the Adolescent FST Guide (CD94) under the education section. The youth’s post-secondary plan will be selected and services to an armed service recruiter or technical school will be documented under “Vocational Training or Services.” University or college visits will be documented under “Post-Secondary Education and Vocational Training.”
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