MO :: Section 4, Chapter 8 (Permanent Outcomes), Subsection 2 – Adoption

MO :: Section 4, Chapter 8 (Permanent Outcomes), Subsection 2 – Adoption

Adoption offers the most stability to the child who cannot return to their parent(s) and is the second most legally binding permanency plan.

Adoption should be considered an appropriate permanent plan when:

  • The goal of reunification has been ruled out
  • There is clear, cogent and convincing evidence that one or more grounds for TPR exist and CD has determined that there are no compelling reasons not to file a TPR. The evidence for these grounds must be clearly documented in the case record
  • The parent(s) has failed to correct those problems and or conditions which contributed to the child’s placement in out-of-home care and are not likely to do so in the near future
  • The parent(s) wants the child to be adopted, or termination of parental rights has been completed or is being pursued
  • The child wants to be adopted

Termination of parental rights has serious and lasting consequences to parents and children. Therefore, it is often difficult for Children’s Service Workers and others to recommend termination of parental rights. Conversely, courts may be hesitant to terminate parental rights. However, section 211.447, RSMo, sets forth the grounds for involuntary termination of parental rights and should be used by the worker and others in deciding when to recommend termination of parental rights. If the worker is unsure whether statutory grounds for filing an involuntary TPR exists in a case, the worker may request that their supervisor request a case consultation with a Division of Legal Services attorney.

Once TPR occurs, a child is potentially available for adoption until court releases the Division from custody and/or supervision of the child. The case manager shall continue to provide support services and hold regular FST meetings until the adoption is finalized and ordered by the Court and jurisdiction is released.


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