MO :: Section 4, Chapter 11 (Administrative Activities), Subsection 1 – Family Or Child Moves From County

MO :: Section 4, Chapter 11 (Administrative Activities), Subsection 1 – Family Or Child Moves From County

If a child is in out-of-home care and placed in-state and moves from one county to another the following guidelines will be in effect.

If case jurisdiction is being transferred, reach agreement between sending and receiving counties on transfer date and exchange of case information. Update all information in FACES prior to the date of transfer.

If jurisdiction is not being transferred, update residence (placement) county in FACES and provide information on child moving into the placement county. This should be done through the receiving circuit’s email inbox.  The case manager shall ensure that the child’s transition to the new placement is made in a manner that minimizes trauma to the child, including pre-placement visits (if possible) and agency staff visits after the placement as quickly as possible.

The case manager is responsible for all required in person visits to see the child unless certain circumstances occur.  These circumstances are as follows:

  • The case manager wishes to request a service worker
  • The child is placed outside of the case manager’s circuit
  • The child’s placement is more than two hours’ drive time away (one way, as measured from the case manager’s base office)

If these conditions are met, the circuit the child is placed in will assign a service worker that can visit the child.  The case manager is still responsible for making monthly contact with the child and visiting the child at least 50% of the time on a schedule agreed upon by the case manager and the service worker.

The Case Manager shall complete Service Worker/Case Transfer Request, CD-175, prior to the placement being made. The Children’s Service Worker in the sending county is required to do a follow up with receiving county to verify receipt of request and answer any additional concerns or questions.


The Case Manager shall update the Alternative Care Client Information screen in FACES and record all contacts and complete a transfer summary in FACES when the case is being transferred. The child’s Children’s Service Worker will be responsible for all service authorizations, payments and reimbursements.

If the Child in out-of-home care is placed out-of-state: see chapter 2 of this section for ICPC information.

If the parent of a child in out-of-home care moves within state, the following information applies:

  • Confirm with the parent that parent has moved and verify the address. Notify the parent’s county office via the CD-175 sent to the local circuit’s email inbox. Provide any information requested by the receiving circuit.
  • Update all information in FACERS.
  • Complete a transfer summary in FACES when the case is being transferred
  • The child’s Children’s Service Worker is responsible for all service authorizations, payments and reimbursements.

If the parent of child in out-of-home care moved out-of-state:

  • Confirm with parent or collateral that parent has moved.
  • Contact public child welfare agency in the state where the parent resides via letter or phone call, followed by letter, to request assistance to provide services.


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