In the investigation (INV), alternative response (AR), family preservation (FPR), and conservatorship (CVS) stages, the caseworker must take immediate actions to find a family if:
• the caseworker cannot contact a child who is with the family, or
• the caseworker loses contact with the child and family during the case, and needs to:
• investigate a report of alleged child abuse or neglect;
• provide protective services to a family receiving family-based safety services; or
• provide, in limited circumstances, protective services to the family of a child in the managing conservatorship of DFPS.
If CPS Cannot Find a Child Who is Not in CPS Conservatorship
If CPS staff cannot find the child and family, and the child is not in DFPS conservatorship, the special investigator program director (SIPD) must notify the Department of Public Safety (DPS) and request that the child be placed on the Child Safety Check Alert List (CSCAL) in the DPS Texas Crime Information Center (TCIC).
If a Child in DFPS Conservatorship is Abducted
If a child in DFPS conservatorship is abducted by his or her biological family or runs away, and the appropriate law enforcement officials decline to file a missing person's report on the child with the National Crime Information Center (NCIC), the caseworker must immediately notify the supervisor and the SIPD. The SIPD must request that DPS place the child and the family on CSCAL. See 3115 Child in DFPS Conservatorship Goes Missing.
If There is Imminent Danger to a Child
If at any time the caseworker believes that the child is in imminent danger, the caseworker must staff with the supervisor. If the supervisor agrees the child is in imminent danger, the supervisor must staff with the SIPD to submit a referral to DPS to place the child on CSCAL immediately.
If a Child on CSCAL is Located
If a child or family that is listed on CSCAL is located, the staff that found the child or family must notify the SIPD immediately.
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