TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 3200 DFPS Actions When Danger to a Child Is Present :: 3212.4 Safety Evaluation

TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 3200 DFPS Actions When Danger to a Child Is Present :: 3212.4 Safety Evaluation

A safety evaluation is required when certain criminal convictions or abuse and neglect history is found during the assessment of a safety plan monitor, PCSP caregiver, or anyone 14 years old or older who resides in the home. To complete the safety evaluation, the caseworker must document the following in a contact narrative:

  • The nature and seriousness of the CPS case or crime for which the potential kinship caregiver or household member was convicted, including any other prior history.
  • Information that DPS or other state criminal justice agency may disclose to specific types of people per Texas Government Code, Section 411.114. DFPS cannot disclose or release FBI criminal history information to any person or entity.
  • Information that the caregiver possesses a criminal conviction history that requires a safety evaluation. If a criminal conviction requiring a safety evaluation is found in the caregiver’s FBI criminal history, but was not also listed on the caregiver’s DPS criminal history results, the caseworker cannot document the FBI criminal history record information under any circumstances.
  • Length of time since criminal conviction or Reason to Believe finding for abuse or neglect.
  • The response to the circumstances surrounding the arrests, convictions, or the abuse or neglect history.
  • The evidence that supports how past behaviors do not pose a current safety concern for the child.

The caseworker is responsible for documenting the safety evaluation in IMPACT within 24 hours.

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