TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 7900 Alternate Caregiving for Foster Children :: 7932 Service Limitation of Verified IAC Providers

TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 7900 Alternate Caregiving for Foster Children :: 7932 Service Limitation of Verified IAC Providers

While DFPS-verified foster homes may provide intermittent alternate care (IAC) services for a child in DFPS conservatorship, the FAD worker must ensure that the following limitations are applied:

  •   Verified DFPS foster homes cannot provide IAC services to children receiving treatment services.

  •   Verified homes must follow all capacity and caregiver-to-child ratios.

  •   Verified homes cannot provide more than 14 consecutive days, or 60 days annually, of IAC care unless the foster home exclusively provides respite child-care services.

  •   Verified homes may not provide IAC services more than once each month.

The FAD worker must ensure that verified homes allow a minimum of 10 days between providing IAC services. These limits do not apply to homes that exclusively provide IAC services.

DFPS may make an exception to this requirement for a child who needs a placement because of an abuse or neglect investigation in the child's foster home.

Minimum Standards for Child-Placing Agencies,40 TAC §§749.2631External Link, 749.2551 – 749.2567External Link, and 749.2633External Link.


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