Initiating, Authorizing, and Reauthorizing Services
Authorized staff completes a day care request in the Service Authorization tab of the IMPACT case for the client and submits the request to their supervisor. In some instances, additional approvals may be required, as outlined below in Time Frames for Services.
After the appropriate regional manager approves the request, the regional manager submits the request to the DFPS Day Care Program manager, who assigns it to a day care coordinator for review and approval.
If the DFPS day care coordinator approves day care services, the coordinator generates Form 2054 Service Authorization in IMPACT and forwards it to the appropriate child care services facility.
Form 2054 must be approved and sent to the appropriate child care service (CCS) agency before clients use day care services.
Time Frames for Services
The initial service authorization for Kinship Child Day Care is limited to a maximum of 12 months.
Subsequent service authorizations for cases in which the child meets all the eligibility requirements for Kinship Child Day Care may be approved for a maximum of 12 months.
If the child or the kinship caregiver no longer meets the eligibility requirements for Kinship Child Day Care, the caseworker must notify the day care coordinator to determine whether the child is eligible for another type of day care service.
Terminating Services
If Kinship Child Day Care is terminated before the end date on Form 2054 Service Authorization, authorized staff must, within 24 hours, notify the DFPS day care coordinator, who terminates the service and notifies the CCS agency of the early termination of service.
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