MO :: Section 6, Chapter 2 (Resource Provider Training- STARS (Specialized Training Assessment Resources and Support), subsection 5, – (In-Service Training) :: 2.5.3 In-Service Training Modules

MO :: Section 6, Chapter 2 (Resource Provider Training- STARS (Specialized Training Assessment Resources and Support), subsection 5, – (In-Service Training) :: 2.5.3 In-Service Training Modules

InService Training is a requirement for continued resource provider licensure. Training hours are to be checked at the time of re-licensure.

The resource provider may choose from the following selections:

A. STARS In-Service Training 

12 Modules (99 hours) 

Module 1: The Foundation for Meeting the Developmental Needs of Children at Risk. (12 hours)

Session 1  Understanding and Assessing Self-esteem

Session 2  Building Self-esteem and Understanding Behavior

Session 3  Communicating with Children and Youth (Part 1)

Session 4  Communicating with Children and Youth (Part 2)

Module 2: Using Discipline to Protect, Nurture and Meet Developmental Needs. (9 hours)

Session 1  Promoting Positive Behavior

Session 2  Promoting Self-responsibility and Responding to Unacceptable Behavior

Session 3  Responding to the Challenges

Module 3: Addressing Developmental Issues Related to Sexuality. (3 hours)

Module 4: Responding to the Signs and Symptoms of Sexual Abuse. (6 hours)

Session 1  Understanding Sexual Abuse  

Session 2  Responding to the Issues of Sexual Abuse

Module 5: Supporting Relationships Between Children and Their Families. (9 hours)

Session 1  Respecting and Supporting Child/Birth Family Ties

Session 2  Supporting Contact Between Children and Their Families  

Session 3  Becoming Partners in Parenting

Module 6: Working as a Professional Team Member. (9 hours)

Session 1  Strengthening Teamwork Skills

Session 2  Developing Your Professional Role

Session 3  Conflict as Opportunity

Module 7: Promoting Children’s Personal and Cultural Identity. (6 hours)

Session 1  Valuing and Making a Commitment to Cultural Competence

 Session 2  Helping Children Develop Lifebooks

Module 8: Promoting Permanency Outcomes. (12 hours)

Session 1  Providing Children Safe and Nurturing Lifetime Relationships Through Reunification

Session 2  Providing Children Permanent Families Through the Goal of Adoption

Session 3  Providing Permanency through Guardianship, Long-term Foster Care and Independent Living 

Session 4  Foster Parent Adoption

Module 9: Managing the Impact of Placement on Your Family. (6 hours)

Session 1  Managing the Change in Your Family

 Session 2  Managing the Impact of Child Abuse/Neglect Allegations

Module 10: Understanding the Effects of Chemical Dependency on Children and Families. (15 hours)

Session 1  Understanding Risk and Protective Factors

Session 2  Understanding Chemical Dependency

Session 3  Recognizing the Impact of Parental Chemical Abuse on the Child and Family

Session 4  Understanding the Implications of Prenatal AOD Exposure for Parenting Young Children

Session 5  Developing Partnerships with Birth Parents and Working with the Team to Strengthen Families

Module 11: Understanding and Promoting Infant and Child Development. (6 hours)Session 1  Where It All Begins  Session 2  Positive Teen Development    

Session 1  Where It All Begins

Session 2  Toddlers, Preschoolers, and School-Aged Children

Module 12: Understanding and Promoting Positive Teen Development. (6 hours)

Session 1  Identity, Self-Esteem, and the Pre-Teen Years

Session 2 Positive Teen Development

B. Elevated Needs Training

Resource providers of youth with elevated needs receive specific training in addition to the 27 hours of Specialized Training Assessment Resources and Support (STARS) pre-service training to enable them to work with youth with elevated needs.

Level A

Prior to signing the Cooperative Agreement to provide Level A care, the resource provider shall successfully complete the 27 hours of STARS pre-service training and 18 hours of specialized training workshops which cover the following topics:

  1. Team and relationship building;
  2. Communication skills;
  3. Behavior management techniques;
  4. Discipline and punishment procedure;
  5. Management of behavior crisis situations;
  6. Development of an individual treatment plan;
  7. De-escalation skills;
  8. Negotiation;
  9. Positive reinforcement technique;
  10. Professional skills for foster parents.

The list of approved Level A training curricula is located on the Resource Development program intranet page.

Level B

Prior to signing the Cooperative Agreement to provide Level B care the resource provider must successfully complete the 27 hours of STARS pre-service training, the 18 hours of Youth with Elevated Needs-Level A training and successfully completed 9 hours of specialized training and practicum designed specifically for Level B. Level B resource providers must demonstrate acquisition of required knowledge and skills. However, participation in Level B training does not guarantee acceptance into the Level B resource provider program. The Level B training workshops include:

    1. Crisis Intervention – Two (2) hours
    2. Behavior Management – Two (2) hours
    3. Suicide Management – Two (2) hours
    4. Medication Management – Two (2) hours
    5. Family Orientation – One (1) hour (training shall include how the child may impact the resource provider’s family)

The list of approved Elevated Needs Level B training curricula is located on the Resource Development program Intranet page.

C. STARS, Making the Commitment to Adoption Curriculum- Spaulding

Foster care providers wanting to adopt must take an additional 12 hours of STARS, Making the Commitment to Adoption (Spaulding) Pre-service training.  Relative care providers are encouraged to complete the Spaulding training but are not required to complete this training.

The additional 12 hours of Spaulding may be counted as in-service training credit hours using the V-198 training code.

D. Other approved in-service training resources may also be used to help a resource provider participate in needed training.

Other approved in-service training including but not limited to Children’s Division sponsored, facilitated, or provided must have prior approval by the licensing resource worker and supervisor if the placement provider is requesting the Division reimburse babysitting and or mileage. This approval is obtained by the resource provider completing and submitting the Resource Family In-Service training Request, CD-114.

Staff review the licensing competencies, discuss the needs of the home, and the needs of the placements in the home with the resource parent(s) to determine if the training fulfills the competencies required in Division policy and how many hours of other approved in-service hours will be permitted.

See Section 6. Chapter 2.6 Other Approved In-Service Training.


Chapter Memoranda History: (prior to 01-31-07)


Memoranda History:

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