TX :: Child Care Investigations Handbook :: 3300 Assessing and Processing Intake Reports :: 3311.2 Contacting the SWI RCCI Screening Unit Outside Regular Business Hours

TX :: Child Care Investigations Handbook :: 3300 Assessing and Processing Intake Reports :: 3311.2 Contacting the SWI RCCI Screening Unit Outside Regular Business Hours

Priority 1 intake reports received after regular business hours are assigned to the on-call investigator after call-out notification.

If the on-call investigator reviews the information in the intake report and determines the intake report is not appropriate for investigation (see 3311.1 RCCI Intake Reports Determined Appropriate for Priority None (PN)), the investigator consults with the on-call supervisor. If the on-call supervisor agrees, the investigator contacts the on-call SWI RCCI screener.

If the SWI RCCI screener agrees, the investigator assigns the intake report to the SWI RCCI screener for reclassification to a PN.

If the SWI RCCI screener does not agree with the reclassification to a PN, the screener consults with the on-call SWI RCCI Screening supervisor for a final determination. The SWI RCCI Screening supervisor makes the final determination and contacts the on-call investigator and on-call RCCI supervisor to notify them of the decision. The on-call SWI RCCI Screening supervisor assigns the investigation to the on-call investigator.

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