TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 4200 Foster and Licensed Facility Placements :: 4265 Requesting an Extension of a TFFC Placement

TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 4200 Foster and Licensed Facility Placements :: 4265 Requesting an Extension of a TFFC Placement

TFFC placements are intended to last no longer than nine months. There is an option for a one-time extension for up to three additional months. No TFFC placement may exceed 12 months.

Before requesting an extension, the caseworker consults with the child’s treatment team. The caseworker and treatment team work together to determine whether the child requires additional time to stabilize.

If the caseworker and treatment team determine that the child is not ready for discharge, the TFFC provider does the following:

After the TFFC provider submits an extension request, the process for considering the request is as follows:

  • Within seven days, the caseworker submits the extension request to the regional director through the regional chain of command.
  • The regional director reviews the request and determines whether it should be forwarded to State Office. 
  • The TFFC State Office program specialist reviews the extension request, considering whether the child has made progress but would benefit from more time in the treatment foster family for further services.
    • If approved, the TFFC State Office program specialist forwards it within one working day to the associate director of placement for approval.
    • If denied, the TFFC State Office program specialist notifies the caseworker and the TFFC provider within one working day.
  • The associate director of placement approves or denies the extension request within one working day.
  • The TFFC State Office program specialist notifies the caseworker, supervisor, program director, and CPU of the decision.

If the extension request is not approved, see 4264 Discharge from TFFC.

The caseworker and other staff members contact the DFPS Treatment Foster Care mailbox [sic, email link] for assistance with TFFC issues.

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