TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 6200 Case Planning for Positive Permanency :: 6241.32 Distributing the Approved Child’s Plan of Service to Participants

TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 6200 Case Planning for Positive Permanency :: 6241.32 Distributing the Approved Child’s Plan of Service to Participants

The caseworker must provide all of the required participants, whether they participated or not, with a copy of the approved plan.

The caseworker must also provide all other participants with a copy.

Minimum Standards for Child Placing Agencies, 26 TAC §749.1321(c); §749.1311

After ensuring the Child’s Plan of Service (CPOS) is updated to reflect current information, the caseworker must distribute the CPOS to all of the mandatory participants listed in 6241.3 Participating in Development of the Child’s Plan of Service, whether they participated in the development of the plan.

In addition, the caseworker must provide a copy of the plan to any of the discretionary participants (such as family members, professionals, or volunteers who are, or will be, providing services or supports to the child or the child’s family) who participated in developing the plan.

Minimum Standards for Child Placing Agencies, TAC 26 §749.1321(c)

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