If a child in DFPS conservatorship is identified as a Confirmed or Suspected-Unconfirmed victim of trafficking, whether familial or non-familial, the caseworker must assess the child’s current service array and refer the child to appropriate services, as needed. Confirmed and Suspected-Unconfirmed victims of trafficking must be referred to the local Care Coordination Team (CCT), where local CCT is in operation. The caseworker must document the assessment and referrals in a case narrative. CCT referral is also documented in the Trafficking Service Referral Survey.
All needs and services identified for the child or youth must be addressed in the child’s plan of service.
Trafficking Service Referral Survey, services and resources can be found on the Human Trafficking and Child Exploitation page [sic, intranet link] of the DFPS intranet.
42 U.S.C §671(a)(9)(C)
42 U.S.C. 5106a(b)(2)(B)(xxiv)
Encountering a Victim of Human Trafficking
If any DFPS staff member has reason to believe that a child or youth in DFPS conservatorship has been a victim of trafficking, staff must screen to confirm.
If any DFPS staff member identifies that a child or youth is a Confirmed or Suspected-Unconfirmed victim of human trafficking, staff must report this to law enforcement immediately, but no later than 8 hours after learning of the information.
The caseworker must also make a report to Statewide Intake immediately, but no later than 8 hours upon becoming aware of this information.
42 U.S.C §671(a)(34)(A)
The caseworker must work a joint investigation with the Special Investigation Division and must use the Child Advocacy Center’s (CAC) local Multi-Disciplinary Team (MDT) Protocols, when applicable.
Service Planning
When a child or youth has been identified as being a Confirmed or Suspected- Unconfirmed victim of human trafficking, DFPS staff must assess the child’s service array, including placement and community resources, and refer the child to appropriate services, as needed. Confirmed and Suspected-Unconfirmed victims of trafficking must be referred to local Care Coordination Team (CCT), where local CCT is in operation. DFPS staff must ensure that all appropriate services, supports, and resources identified for the child or youth are made available for his or her participation.
DFPS staff must ensure that the Child’s Plan of Service (CPOS) reflects all identified needs the child or youth may have because of their victimization.
The caseworker must document in the CPOS all services, supports, and resources that are appropriate for meeting the child or youth’s needs, and which of these services were accessed and provided.
When updating the child or youth’s Application for Placement, the primary caseworker must address the placement and service needs of the child or youth related to his or her history of human trafficking victimization.
Services and resources can be found on the Human Trafficking and Child Exploitation page of the DFPS intranet. See 6241 The Child’s Plan of Service (CPOS).
Documenting Human Trafficking Victimization in IMPACT
The caseworker must enter into IMPACT each Sex or Labor Trafficking event that is Suspected-Unconfirmed or Confirmed as a trafficking record on the Trafficking Detail page within 48 hours of making the assessment or receiving notification.
A trafficking event is Suspected-Unconfirmed when specific information regarding the child or youth and the surrounding circumstances creates a reasonable belief that the child or youth has been trafficked. Note: A runaway episode, in and of itself, is not equal to Suspected-Unconfirmed.
A trafficking event is Confirmed when evidence supports the conclusion that the child or youth has been trafficked. Note: The supporting evidence must be more than just an allegation or suspicion and does not have to be a direct outcry from the child or youth.
Each trafficking event should only have one entry on the Trafficking Detail page, unless a Suspected-Unconfirmed event is later confirmed, in which case there would be both a Suspected-Unconfirmed and a Confirmed event listed.
The caseworker must also document all Confirmed or Suspected-Unconfirmed trafficking events in the case narrative and the monthly evaluations in IMPACT.
The caseworker must ensure that this documentation also includes services and supports provided to the child or youth to address his or her individual needs and circumstances, including his or her history of human trafficking victimization.
Services and resources can be found on the Human Trafficking and Child Exploitation page of the DFPS intranet.
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