Reason to Believe (RTB) for Medical Neglect, Physical Neglect, Refusal to Accept Parental Responsibility, and Abandonment
If the Placement Review of Findings does not overturn a finding, the child’s caseworker may make a placement only if the program director approves the placement. See:
6624 Obtaining CPS Approval of the Home Assessment and Placement of a Child in a Kinship Home
Appendix 4525: Offenses From the Texas Penal Code, Chart 2: Assessing Criminal History Offenses and Convictions for Kinship Placement and Kinship Foster and Adoptive Homes.
RTB for Physical or Sexual Abuse
If the Placement Review of Findings does not overturn a finding, the child’s caseworker may make a placement only if there are extraordinary circumstances. The CVS caseworker’s program administrator and regional director must approve the placement.
If the family is ruled out for further consideration of based on a CPS history, the caseworker must take the actions described in 6615 If a Potential Kinship Caregiver is Denied Further Consideration.
If CPS decides to give the potential caregiver further consideration, the caseworker must complete a Kinship Safety Evaluation. See 6625 Requirements for a Kinship Safety Evaluation.
- When the child has not yet been placed in the home or the program administrator or program director determines it’s in the child’s best interest, the child’s caseworker must complete the Kinship Safety Evaluation (KSE).
- The kinship development worker (KDW) ensures the KSE is completed when the situation meets all the following criteria:
- The child resides in the kinship home at the time of the home assessment.
- At least one child residing in the home is in DFPS care.
- The kinship placement has already been assigned a KDW. The CVS supervisor or program director must provide guidance to the KDW in addressing the identified concerns for the purpose of the KSE.
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