Clients (active cases and post-adoption)
Direct services (active cases and post adoption)
Family-Based Safety Services (FBSS)
Interstate Compact for the Placement of Children (ICPC)
Purchased child protective services
State office contract services
Clients fall into two broad categories:
• In an active case the client may be a member of the child's family or a child who:
• lives at home, or
• is in foster care,
• is in an adoptive placement.
Relatives who are caregivers may be eligible for services at the region's discretion when services are necessary to maintain or preserve a placement.
• In post-adoption cases the client is a child formerly in CPS conservatorship whose adoption has been consummated. Adoptive parents may be eligible for post-adoption services when necessary to preserve the adoption.
Contractors are external parties who contract with DFPS to provide services.
Direct services are provided directly to clients in two broad categories:
• Active case services, from intake on, including children placed in foster and adoptive homes.
• Post adoption services (consummated adoptions). See:
8400 Post Adoptive Services (Consummated Adoptions)
Family-Based Safety Services (FBSS) are time-limited services designed to promote the health and well-being of children and the stability and strengths of their families. The goal is to achieve permanency for children when their safety can be assured in their own homes. See 3000 Family-Based Safety Services.
Interstate Compact for the Placement of Children (ICPC) is an agreement among U.S. states and territories that regulates the placement of children across state lines. The compact ensures that children placed outside of their home state receive adequate protection and services. In Texas, the state office for ICPC provides guidance to the ICPC liaison in each region.
Purchased child protective services are services provided by outside entities under contract with DFPS. All purchased child protective services are subject to the policies published in this handbook.
Relatives are unlicensed caregivers approved for a child's placement because they:
• are related to the child by blood, marriage, or adoption; or
• have a significant, long-standing relationship with the child's family.
Rules are adopted by the DFPS Council and once adopted function as law. Rules are published in the Texas Administrative Code and may not be waived unless requirements for a waiver are specified in the rule.
Staffings are consultations between professionals to decide on a course of action regarding an operation or other regulation activities. Staffings can include DFPS workers, supervisors, attorneys, or other professionals.
State office contract services are generally statewide contracts managed by DFPS's state office in Austin.
The contracts may provide for:
• direct services to clients;
• support services;
• special demonstration projects; and
• contracts, agreements, and memoranda of understanding (MOUs) with other state agencies.
Support services improve the effectiveness of the CPS program. Some support services are provided to specific CPS clients; other support services are provided to organizations that offer indirect services to CPS clients, such as foster parent associations or volunteer groups.
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