Enroll licensed resource providers in nearby in-service training sessions, as appropriate and approved by the local office. Available in-service training is listed in the next section of this chapter.
- Licensed resource providers are required to complete the following number of in-service training hours.
- Resource providers are required to complete 30 hours per two-year licensure period.
- Level B resource providers are to complete 32 hours per two-year licensure period.
- Level A resource providers are to complete 30 hours per two-year licensure period.
- Medical care resource providers are to complete 30 hours per two-year licensure period.
All licensed homes must successfully complete the following training prior to being licensed:
- Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR); Three (3) training credit hours using the code V252. The resource provider must successfully complete the CPR training certification prior to each re-licensure every 2 years.
- First Aid; Three (3) training credit hours using the code V898. The resource provider must successfully complete the First Aid training prior to each re-licensure every 2 years.
- Psychotropic Medication Management. Two (2) training hours credit using code V013 in FACES.
- Informed Consent; Two (2) training credit hours using code V150. Memo CD18-22.
- Health Information Portability and Accountability (HIPAA); One (1) hour of training credit hours for reading and signing the CD-194 using code V980. The form is read and signed at each re-licensure. However, the training credit is only earned for initial time.
- Secondhand Smoke Exposure Protection (V113) (2) Two hours of training credit hours.
All licensed homes must complete the following training within the first year of licensure:
- Ready, Set, Fly training; Five (5) training credit hours using the code V706. This training is for all homes accepting placement of foster youth age 14 or older (Ideally, this training would be completed prior to the placement of a child age 14 or older in the home.)
- Reasonable and Prudent Parenting Standard; Two (2) training credit hours using code V280. This must be completed within 3 months of the license/approval begin date.
- Foster Care Bill of Rights; one (1) hour training credit using code V160. Link to training located in memo CD17-52.
- Trauma Care– 3 training credit hours (V815)
Read the following four documents from the Child welfare Trauma Training Toolkit and complete webinar:
Understanding Child Trauma Stress,
What is Child Traumatic Stress?
Parenting In A Challenging World
The 12 Core Concepts; Concepts for Understanding Traumatic Stress Responses in Children and Families
Complete the following webinar: https://dssmanuals.mo.gov/wp-content/themes/mogovwp_dssmanuals/public/cd/memos/2013/cd13-053.pdf
5. Psychotropic Medications: Psychotropic Medication Management In-Service Trainings
All licensed resource providers will complete at least one (1) hour of required annual in-service training on a specified Psychotropic Medication training developed for that calendar year. This is the training requirement for all currently licensed resource providers. Any currently licensed resource provider must complete this training prior to November 1st of each year.
The required annual Psychotropic Medication Management In-Service trainings will have the following training titles and codes:
Psychotropic Medications Management Annual Requirement 2020 – V170
Psychotropic Medications Management Annual Requirement 2021 – A170
Psychotropic Medications Management Annual Requirement 2022 – B170
Psychotropic Medications Management Annual Requirement 2023 – C170
Psychotropic Medications Management Annual Requirement 2024– D170
Psychotropic Medications Management Annual Requirement 2025 – E170
V254 -Making Healthy Choices Psychotropic Medication Training is now an optional training and is located at the following link https://dss.mo.gov/cd/foster-care/information-for-foster-parents.htm.
6. Laws, policies and procedures governing child welfare – 5 training credit hours. (V400)
The Legal Aspects of Concurrent planning can be accessed at this link:
The Legal Aspects for Relative Placement training may also be accessed at,
Year Two:
- Additional Resources:
2. Importance of Sibling Placement – 7 training credit hours (V804)
Instructor Led with curriculum from NRC
- Module #1 , Issues– 3.5 hours http://www.hunter.cuny.edu/socwork/nrcfcpp/downloads/nrcfcpp-sibling-curriculum-module1.pdf
- Module #2, Practice 3.5 hours http://www.hunter.cuny.edu/socwork/nrcfcpp/downloads/nrcfcpp-sibling-curriculum-module2.pdf
Handouts http://www.hunter.cuny.edu/socwork/nrcfcpp/downloads/nrcfcpp-sibling-curriculum-handouts.pdf
b. The preferred method of training delivery is instructor led. Instructor-led training is live, interactive training facilitated by an individual with training and expertise to deliver the training topic. Only 14 hours of non-instructor led in-service training may be approved per two (2) year licensure period. In-service training may be approved on a case by case basis for viewing a video, reading a book, or participating via a website. Other approved in-service training must be approved by the licensing worker and supervisor. Other approved in-service training must address some aspect of foster care. The resource provider must submit the Resource Family In-Service Training Request, CD-114, to the licensing worker to obtain approval. The licensing worker will submit the request to his/her supervisor for approval. The approval should be obtained prior to the completion of training, if the resource provider is requesting mileage or babysitting reimbursement. The intent is that the training will address areas identified within the resource provider’s Professional Family Development Plan. The total amount of other approved in-service training accepted per licensing period is to be determined by the Regional Director based upon the availability of training and the training needs of the region.
See Section 6 Chapter 2.6 Other Approved In-Service Training.
c. Credit for educational/informational meetings (less than 8 hours) may be given, following the guide contained in2.5.3 paragraph Attachment D. The curriculum and number of hours must have local office approval.
d. Arrange reimbursement of babysitting expenses ($2/Child/Hr), and mileage, if necessary, at current state rates through SAM II. Meals may be reimbursed at the per diem rate when the provider attends training in which they are in overnight status according to the Administrative Manual Chapter 7, Travel. The babysitting reimbursement ($2/child/hr) is to be applied to all children in the foster home, including the biological children of the resource provider(s).
e. Special expenses (i.e., registration fees) may be approved by the Regional Office and paid through SAM II.
f. Evaluate use of training experience with resource provider and training facilitators.
g. Verify training hours completed and record required information on the Resource Parent Training screen in FACES.
Chapter Memoranda History: (prior to 01-31-07)
Memoranda History:
CD07-48, CD08-106, CD09-94, CD09-105, CD10-08, CD10-27, CD12-82, CD12-85, CD13-71, CD14-20, CD15-61, CD16-09, CD16-87, CD17-52, CD18-22, CD18-39, CD19-07
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